
The Philosophical study of ethics revolves around the discussion of what is right, good, or moral.

The Philosophical study of ethics revolves around the discussion of what is right, good, or moral.

This discussion is a great topic to discuss in order to discover more profound insight into functioning in a diverse community. It cannot be totally up to man to decide these topics. A group of individuals cannot determine the morals of the whole by the common collective idea of good based on the standard of the leading group.

God has prescribed the basis of all governing prospects through the ten commandments and other commands given in the Word of God.

No community should be able to kill at will, steal from anyone, live in complete rebellion to the authority of the parents and God, etc.

God has given humanity the basis to function as a diverse community by setting simple bounderies by these commands.

There are many ethics given to Christians apart from civil community living such as love others, be kind to widows and orphans, remembering the poor, sharing the transforming message of God with our neighbors, fellowshipping together, and growing in our faith by studying and applying the Word God etc.


Norman Geisler: “Ethics deals with what is morally right and wrong. Christian ethics deals with what is morally right and wrong for a Christian.”

Norman L. Geisler, Christian Ethics: Options and Issues (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1989), 17.


Verse list

Exodus 20:3-17

Matthew 22:37-40

Matthew 28:19-20

Mark 16:15

Galatians 2:10

Colossians 2:2

Hebrews 3:13

Hebrews 10:25

James 1:27

1Peter 2:2

2Peter 3:18

1 John 1:3

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.

— Jeremiah 33:3